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Platform Considerations

When designing the CertiScan SDK, we endeavored to make the functionality as identical as possible on both iOS and Android.

However, there are vendor and operating system differences between each platform. Please review and keep these considerations in mind when designing, testing, and shipping your apps:

Device RequirementsiPhone 7 or later. iPhones before 7 do not allow developer access to their NFC. iPads do not have NFC.Some budget Android phones do not have NFC . Some Android tablets have NFC, but we generally recommend against tablet apps due to the awkward user experience (it is hard to find the antenna on a tablet, and some tablets are so large they take two hands to hold and scan - which leaves the user without a free hand to hold the tag).
OS RequirementsiOS 13 or later.Android 4.4 or later.
NFC Antenna LocationTop edge on the backside of all supported iPhone models.Varies by phone make and model, typically somewhere in the top half on the backside. You (and your users) may need to experiment to discover the exact location.
Toggling NFC On/Off--Android allows users to disable NFC in the phone settings app. You can detect this, and we recommend that you warn your users when their phone's NFC is off. Ideally this warning should link into the phone settings so your users can quickly re-enable NFC. At a minimum, the warning should instruct users how to search their settings to find and turn on NFC.