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JSON Output

When calling a native command function to run a command, a JSON string is replied as a result. JSON output has the following fields:


Each SDK function has its own command_code. The table below displays the corresponding command_code value for each command.

Commandcommand_code (Integer)


true if run the function successfully. Otherwise, it is false and there will be values for error_code and error_desc.


The tag_message is a snapshot of the tag's data at the time of scanning. The output for tag_message is fully processed and has the following structure:

tag_idAn ID that uniquely identifies each tag.
startedtrue if the state of the smart package is started and recording. For more information about tag states, see Tag States and Tag Lifecycle.
package_idPackage ID.
patient_idPatient ID.
custom_data_1Custom Data 1.
scan_timeUnix UTC timestamp for when the package was scanned.
clock_coefficient_correctiontrue if the clock coefficient correction is enabled. See Tag Timekeeping System - Accuracy for more information.
event_countDose event count.
tag_eventsDose event list. See tag_events below.
versioningTag's versioning. See versioning below.


The tag_events is an array of the dose records stored on the tag. The output for tag_events is fully processed and has the following structure:

typeDose type: an integer that indicates which cavity in the blister pack the dose was taken from. Only applies to Med-ic packages. See Med-ic Dose Types for more information.
timesetampUnix UTC timestamp for each dose detected. See Tag Timekeeping System for more information.


The versioning contains the tag's model, firmware version, and hardware version. The output for versioning is fully processed and has the following structure:

modelTag model: "Med-ic", "eCap Argus-Loc" or "eCap Screw-Loc".
firmware_versionFirmware version.
hardware_versionHardware version.


The error_code indicates the error that occurred when the function was run.

4000Unknown error.
4001NFC Reader is unavailable.
4002NFC Reader error.
4003NFC Reader session timeout.
4004Invalid Tag ID.
4005Invalid command.
4006Tag state invalid for command.
4007Invalid command input.
4008Command authentication failed.
4009Command not authorized.
4010Tag not found.
4011Tag Mismatch (by Tag ID).
4012Max try error.
4013Command is not supported.
4014System command error.
4015Failed to connect the tag.
4016Failed to send the command.
4017Command response exception.
4018Manifest malformed exception.
4019Tag is not supported.
4020Tag malformed exception.


Human-readable error description based on the error_code.

Example A:
NFC Reader session timeout

"command_code" : 1,
"success" : false,
"error_desc":"NFC Reader session timeout."