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Patient non-adherence is widespread in clinical trials, yet largely unaddressed . This can harm patient health, distort clinical data, and jeopardize research outcomes.

CertiScan® is the world's leading platform for detecting and addressing medication non-adherence. CertiScan combines smart packages, apps, and analytics to empower and transform clinical research.

The CertiScan Platform

Smart Packages

Med-ic® smart medication blisters and eCAP™ smart bottle caps automatically record dose removal times (and can also record temperature exposure).

Med-ic packages have thin conductive circuitry embedded into the blister package cardboard. Every blister cavity has one line of the circuit passing over it. When a blister cavity is entered, the electrical current in that line is interrupted, and the electronics record a dose.

Figure 1. Med-ic package cross-section to demonstrate electronic circuit.


eCAPs have an infrared (IR) transmitter on one side of the cap and a receiver on the other. When the eCAP is screwed onto the bottle, the bottle neck blocks the IR beam, and there is no transmission. When the bottle is opened, the IR beam has a clear path from one side of the cap threading to the other, and the electronics record an opening.

Figure 2. eCAP cross-section to demonstrate IR dose detection system.


Both Med-ic and eCAP use an integrated chip called a "tag" to store and wirelessly transmit their data.


Throughout this website, we may use the words "tag", "smart package", or simply "package" to mean "Med-ic and/or eCAP".


Data is retrieved from tags and processed with the CertiScan mobile apps (for patients, available on iOS and Android) and web app (for healthcare providers). These apps store, analyze, and visualize data to generate actionable patient and provider insights.


Our analytics help researchers to mine insights per patient or per population in their studies, and also deliver targeted coaching recommendations that both providers and patients can use to drive better adherence.

Integrating with CertiScan

You can integrate CertiScan technology into your existing mobile apps, web apps, or cloud infrastructure by using the CertiScan REST API and CertiScan Mobile SDKs.


The CertiScan REST API allows you to interact with patient adherence data and analytics in our cloud.

The REST API grants access to:

  • Adherence data retrieval
  • Patient adherence reporting
  • Patient-package traceability

All API endpoints support OAuth2 for the latest security and single sign-on (SSO) best practices.

Mobile SDKs

CertiScan Mobile SDKs allow you to retrieve and process tag data in your iOS and Android apps.

To develop, test and debug your apps, we provide four resources:

  1. CertiScan SDK (.framework and .aar)
  2. CertiScan Hardware Dev Kit
  3. Tag Sample App source code
  4. CertiScan Debugger App