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Scripting Overview


This REST API documentation is effective as of 21:00 EST, 2 April, 2023.

To interact with the CertiScan REST API using a script (to pull data, perform simple workflows, cron jobs, etc.) you must:

  1. Create a client: Via an endpoint (the client will be registered with your CertiScan account, and will allow you to manage work tokens).
  2. Retrieve a work token: This token authorizes you to make endpoint calls and to request data.
  3. Execute your workflows: Retrieve data in CSV format, etc - see Generating CSV Reports.
  4. Manage your client and/or token: As necessary - see Updating a Client, Deleting a Client, Token Management, and Listing Tokens.


Before you can create any clients or tokens, you must create a CertiScan account, and an administrator on your team or a CertiScan support person must invite you to join an organization, project, or site. You will likely receive an automated email with links and instructions, or else we (the CertiScan team) will be reaching out to you directly with instructions.

After you have created your CertiScan account and accepted your invitation(s), please contact us because there are two important values that we must provide you with.

  • First, we will provide you with a subject value. The subject is a type of account ID defined in the OAuth 2 standard (which CertiScan uses for authentication and authorization). You will use this subject to create your client and bind client tokens to your account.
  • Additionally, we will provide you with an ou value. The ou or "organizational unit" is the UUID of the organization, project, or site that you are a member of. It defines what data you have permission to access. You will need to include the ou in some of your API calls.

Important Parameters